In this episode of the Open for Business podcast weare lucky enough to have Shannon from One Wild Apple on the show to share herstory on how she turned her passion for hospitality and the desire to have herown business and turned it into a very successful café! 

Shannon tells us exactly how she was able to purchaseher own café, what it takes to run the business day to day and also shares heradvice for anyone else that wants to follow their dreams and DO THEIR THING!One Wild Apple is situated in Benalla, a regional town in Victoria, Australia.Shannon makes sure that there is a daily supply of very tasty homemade food optionsand serves it up with the best coffee in town, complete with a small treat! Itsall about the 1%er’s team! The café and ‘courtyard’ are styled to create a verywelcoming space with lots of character, perfect to enjoy your preferred cup ofcoffee! If anyone is living proof that its possible to buy, start and run a successfulbusiness of your own, its Shannon!

Now let’s jump straight into the show! It’s time tobecome…Open for Business!



1.    Open a separate bank account todayand start saving a few dollars each week for your “someday         something”.

 2.    Most people don’t take the ‘leap’…thosethat do get to experience how good the ‘upside’ is!

 3.    “If people tell you that yourdreaming too big, don’t listen to them” – Shannon, owner of One Wild Apple!


One Wild Apple – the website!

Follow OneWild Apple:

Instagram – onewildapple

Facebook– One Wild Apple

Snapchat – onewildapple

Sensory Lab Coffee – the website! 

Leave yourquestions for Shannon or feedback for the show in the comments below or emailto [email protected]



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Thank you again for joining meagain this week. There are so many other podcasts and experts that you could belistening to instead, but you have shared some of your precious time to listento this episode and I truly appreciate that! Without you as a listener, the podcast goes nowhere!


That’s it for this episode! Thankyou again and remember you can get in touch with me anytime on Twitter @anthonygmurphy orvia email anthony(at)openforbusiness(dot)net(dot)au

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