There is a thin line between confidence and hubris. This is true is what ever we do, be especially in selling professional services.

The top eleven business writers (Seth Godin, Alan Weiss, Keith Ferrazzi and others), have teamed up for a focused look at this most delicate endeavor: How to Sell Professional Services.

Is it true that products are easier to sell than services? A product itself is has no ego to contend with in the selling cycle. This avoidance-of-arrogance makes the process concentrated on the features and benefits of the product.

Might it be said it is easier to sell someone else, than yourself? By selling someone else we can at least remove one degree away from egoism.

Tips from Top Thinkers:

Seth Godin - It's All About Trust

Jill Konrath - Stop Selling and Start Making a Difference

Alan Weiss - If You're Talking About Price, You've Lost Control of the Discussion

Paige Arnof-Fenn - The "Real Thing" | Why Authenticity Rules

Michael W. McLaughlin - Mastring the Art the Client Interview

Paul Dunay - Do You Really Care About Your Client? No, Really?

Keith Ferrazzi - Do Your Homework

Frank Stasiowski - You Must have a Controversial Opinion and Tell People

Sam Reese - Understand the Client's Concept

Larry Bodine - Listening Your Way to New Business

Mike Schultz - Sell with H.P.I (Hustle. Passion. Intensity.)

Tell us what you think, email Tommy or Ken at [email protected]!

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