Dr Stephen Covey passed away on Monday the 16th of July. We reviewed his "7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and the relevance today. Hear Tony Robbins reaction to the passing of Covey.

Seth Godin recently was explored “Making money in the digital world!” Godin’s blog entry on monetizing digital attention explains the odd paradigm that has developed in digital content creation. It appears, says Godin, that most everyone wants a business where they sit at home, develop content, put it on the web, and have people pay them scads of money for it. But there's a trick they miss -- how to sell it online!

Managing your online reputation: oh heck, really, we have to do this? Tommy had discovered in the July/August edition of Inc Magazine an article by John Brandon. Brandon explores in depth in his article how he manages his online reputation by using two separate services. The first one iswww.socialmention.com which is a free service and the second is www.myreputation.com which is approximately $99 for a year. These services essentially “comb” the web looking for anything and everything that has been written about you and or your business. Brian thinks it's a scam. Find out why.