After James takes a few days away from the web, Cher has to fill him in on all the celeb antics he missed, including Taylor Swift, Kanye West, and the elephant in the room, Pokemon Go!

We were sponsored this week by:

Second City: Love comedy and filmmaking? The Harold Ramis Film School’s year-long program at The Second City is for you! Visit for more info.

Iron Galaxy: Scream like a school kid with Capsule Force, an intergalactic-retro-anime multiplayer game now available on PS4 and Steam!

References made during our conversation:

Another podcast on the Postloudness network that Cher recommends is Gossip Girls. Where feminism and pop culture collide with a recap of every episode of the CW television show, Gossip Girl. Hosted by Subi Shah and Cher Vincent.

Catch Cher and James for a live recording of Open Ended on Wednesday, August 17th. All the details can he found here.

Where the Taylor-West feud all began...Famous by Kanye West

This week's Open Call:

James: This is Water by David Foster Wallace.

Cher: Black excellence via rabbit catching. About the the romance between a Florida security guard and his pet rabbit.

We also have announcements like:

Give us a hand with a one-time donation at, and becoming a member starting at $1 a month, at

Head over to to receive our excellent advice through our 'Open Up' segment of through #AskOpenEnded on Twitter!

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We'd like to thank:

The Chicago Podcast Cooperative. We recommend you have a listen to Dynasty Podcast. If you havn't heard of it, Dynasty Podcasts launched in 2005 as the first ever and longest-running music podcast in the City of Chicago's history. Hosted by Chicago journalist and college educator Jaime Black.

Our Patreon supporters: Caty, Amy, Kathy, Stewart, Classy, Jennifer, Joelle, Will, "Michael", and Revision Path podcast.

If you have any recommendations for show topics, contact us!

Script written by Cher and James.

Produced, mixed, edited, and provided music by James T. Green.

Assistant production by Taz Kelleher.

This has been a production of Postloudness, a collective of independent audio shows by people of color, women, and queer-identified hosts. Learn more at

Until next time, keep things Open Ended.

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