In their first ever live event, Cher and James hang out with great human being, Sharlene King, about online dating, distinguishing what a good profile can be, and how to be yourself, without freaking out a potential suitor. In Open Mic, our hosts debate with Sharlene over the online dating best practices, first impressions, and non-creepy Twitter DM sliding. Finally, everyone talks about what made 2015 great.

Prefer to watch the video? Check it out here!

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Iron Galaxy: Scream like a school kid with Capsule Force, an intergalactic-retro-anime multiplayer game now available on PS4 and Steam! Find out more information at

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Help us reach our new fundraising goal for 2015-2016! We have our eyes on a portable recorder so we can start doing more on-site interviews, continue to pay our guests, and make this podcast sustainable. Give us a hand with a one-time donation at, and becoming a member starting at $1 a month, at

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References made during our conversation:

Sharlene King, Cher's cosmic twin

Tinder, a hellscape for sinners

BB-8, a toy that Cher still has in her coat pocket

OKCupid, another place to disappoint your expectations

Relaxer, the fishy smelly paste that made generations of ethnic hair assimilate

This week’s Open Mic topic: Best Dating Practices:

Cher vs Sharlene: Body Parts, where we learn Sharlene is a "gold star"

James vs Sharlene: First Impressions aren't always the best, or are they?

Open Ended vs Sharlene: is online dating apps better than social media dating?

You know we couldn't forget about Open Call

Sharlene: Flannel shirts, because they are cozy

Cher: Herself, because she is one of the best people she knows

James: Open Ended, the light at the end of the tunnel that never goes out

Special Live Section: Open Up

1: Sliding into DMs on Twitter, without being creepy

2: The regional difference on Online Dating Apps is a real thing

3: The filtered nature of Online App Profiles

Thanks for listening to episode 35. It couldn't have been made without the help of the following folks:

The Chicago Podcast Cooperative. Like this show? You might like Random Conversations with Elizabeth: Learn, be entertained, and live vicariously through the lives of other people.

Our Patreon supporters: Caty, Amy, Stewart, Classy, Jennifer, Joelle, Will, "Michael", and Revision Path podcast.

If you have any recommendations for show topics, contact us!

Script written by Cher and James.

Music by U+1F60C.

Until next time, keep things Open Ended.

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