Yiming Wang and Xian Zhang have made a name for themselves in the Chinese culinary scene with their Michelin-starred restaurant, Cafe China, and the sequel restaurant, China Blue. Now their newest concept, Birds of a Feather, is capturing the hearts of folks in the Williamsburg area. Upon entering the space, you’ll be wowed by Yiming’s skill for interior design, and the exceptional service and food. In the interview, Yiming and Xian share what made them take the leap to the restaurant industry from their stable careers in finance.

Find Birds of a Feather online at https://birdsofafeatherny.com/ and @manoushehnyc on Instagram. The Open Belly podcast is hosted by Danielle Lehman and shares the stories of immigrant and refugee chefs and restauranteurs across America. You can find the Open Belly podcast online at openbellypodcast.com or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter @openbelly. Thank you to our supporters, ChowNow and New American Economy. This episode was produced by Oliver J. Hughes, photography provided by Alyssa Broadus and Chris Dolt, and artwork created by Frank Norton. Data points and research provided by New American Economy.

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