In show #8 of Open Apple, the only co-hosted Apple II podcast, Mike and Ken chat with Kelvin Sherlock about Kickstarter, BASIC, and the Boston Computer Society.

The post Show #8 (Oct 2011): Kelvin Sherlock, Kickstarter, BASIC, and BCS first appeared on Open Apple.

This month in Open Apple, Mike and Ken talk with Kelvin Sherlock, prolific Apple II programmer of GShisen, Silver Platter, ProFUSE, and more. Ken builds the suspense before revealing the identity of KansasFest 2012’s keynote speaker before we look at the latest Kickstarter fundraising projects that appeal to Apple II users. We ask ourselves, “Why are Apple II users different?” when sharing knowledge, products, and magazines. On eBay, we’re looking at soundtracks, CP/M cards, compression software, and defunct user group newsletters, before engaging in a smackdown of BASIC programming languages. Finally, we enjoy classic Apple II games on iOS and challenge Kelvin to explain why we can’t port Portal to the 6502.

Congratulations to Sal Bugliarisi, who named the game as Choplifter! He won a $20 credit to the Juiced.GS store, courtesy publisher Gamebits. Our next winner gets an autographed copy of Bob Bishop‘s Bomber on cassette.

Click past the jump for links mentioned in this episode.

Introduction (0:00 – 3:36)

WarGames t-shirt

User Login (3:37 – 12:29)

Kelvin Sherlock’s homepageA Touch of Applesoft BASICinCiderKelvin’s IIGS softwareProFUSESilver Platter from SyndicommKShisen for LinuxiShisen for iOSFlaShisenVintage Computer Festival East 2.0

II News (12:30 – 50:52)

John Romero to keynote KansasFest 2012Wolfenstein 3DVintage Computer Festival Midwest 6.0Retro Computing Roundtable #16Vintage Computer Festival SouthGLI.TC/HGLI.TC/H KickstarterMelissa Barron’s homepageGoogle+Facebook Video Calling vs. Google+ HangoutThe Jason Scott Documentary Three-Pack — KickstarterTextfiles.com8 mysterious Apple products which you might not know ofROM 04, aka Mark TwainThe Apple Graphics TabletKnowledge NavigatorBandai PippinWhy are Apple II users “different”?SoftalkinCiderT40 crack screen editorT40 art gallery by Daniel KruszynaRich Dreher’s CFFA3000CFFA3000 for Apple IIIApple III driver for CFFA3000Juiced.GS Volume 16, Issue 3 shipsHappy 25th birthday, Apple IIGS!

Apple Pickings (50:53 – 1:09:52)

Metal Gear Solid 3 soundtrackKarate Kid soundtrackMicrozine lotMore about MicrozineOpen MegahertzSid Meier’s Pirates!A2MP3 auction to benefit @rsuenaga fundDRALS’s CP/M cardMicrosoft SoftcardMore about Digital Research’s CP/M cardApple CPM Yahoo! groupAutoArkHardPressedAutoArk from SyndicommUltima IVApple IIGS crystal paperweightElectric car with on-board Apple IIcPimp My RideBoston Computer Society newsletterThe Boston Computer Society’s Wikipedia pageStill more about the Boston Computer Society

Retroviews (1:09:53 – 1:19:30)

Morgan Davis’ MD-BASICMicol Advanced BASICGSoft BASICToolbox Programming in GSoft BASICSideClickTrasherNibble magazineORCA/Integer BASIC

Name the Game (1:19:31 – 1:36:14)

ChoplifterBob Bishop’s BomberUltima 1–4 now available at Good Old Games (GOG)DOSBoxBoxer, a DOSBox client for Mac OS XDefender of the Crown for iOSAmiga emulatorVideo demo of Amiga emulatoriBASICJimmy Maher’s writings about the Apple II & EamonPortal 2 soundtrackPortal: The Flash VersionASCII PortalSilver Platter now a free download!The post Show #8 (Oct 2011): Kelvin Sherlock, Kickstarter, BASIC, and BCS first appeared on Open Apple.