In show #72 of Open Apple, the Apple II podcast of record, Quinn & Mike chat with Peter Neubauer of the KansasFest Committee, read Apple II news & Wews, feedback and more.

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This month on Open Apple, we sit down with KansasFest committee member and lifelong Apple II user Peter Neubauer. We talk lots about the upcoming KansasFest, of course, but also Peter’s own experiences with the machine. He has a passion for Logo, and a special place in his heart reserved for the Apple IIc Plus. I think many of us can relate to that.

We talk KansasFest, KansasFest, and more KansasFest. Then we talk about KansasFest, followed conversation about a fruit-based retrocomputing conference that takes place in Missouri every July.

We have plenty of regular news to catch up on as well, so stay tuned for updates from 6502 Workshop, NinjaForce, and more. We have graphics talk, Bluetooth talk, and exciting new accelerators from the mad Bulgarian.

It’s already too late to register for KansasFest, but if you’re going to be there, make sure to say hi! We love to meet our listeners.

More information on everything discussed in this episode, after the jump.

KansasFest – It’s that time of year!BrutalDeluxe – This year’s keynote speakers, all the way from France!Hi-Res Graphics and Animation In Assembly Language – Finally scanned!6502 Workshop Expanding – Their empire building continues.Wade Clarke Plays His Own – Does your own work hold up 30 years later?NinjaForce at Revision – The IIgs is back in the limelight of the demo scene.NinjaForce Demo – Here’s the actual disk image, with some bug fixes.Lo-Res Graphics in Assembly – Tom Porter shows how it’s done.New books from Call A.P.P.L.E – Synergistic and more.Alex Lukazi explores Bluetooth – The Apple II dongle heard round the world.Battlestations teaches DHGR–  A great tutorial on the most difficult graphics mode.The Last Jedi trailer on a //c – Rendered the hard way. Don’t miss the making of.FASTchip review – The hottest new 8-bit accelerator, reviewed by Jorma.FTP Tool set for IIgs – Unlock real file transfer power with this new tools.Apple II Pi 2.2 – An update for the niftiest way to get modern hardware inside your II.Palm-sized Apple II – Yes, it works! More information here.New BBS running on real hardware – Apple IIs still make the best BBS hosts.WOzFest Slot 7 announced – They still have a few clever numbering ideas.Golden Gate Compatibility Layer – Kelvin Sherlock has been busy.Jorma acquires a rare Chinese clone – Great pictures of a rare (in the west) beast.Lemonade Stand lives on – Microsoft ports it to modern platforms for some reason.Apple Employee #3 selling his ranch – If you have a few dozen million to throw around.Yet another Apple I auction – They continue to decline in price. Meh.Where the first Apple was built – Someone found the actual apartment.KansasFest Offers and Deals – Too late to register, but bring your wallets!Woz says Apple is too big – To innovate, anyway.WeeGUI – Quinn’s MouseText-based GUI library.The post Open Apple #72 (June 2017) – Peter Neubauer, KansasFest, Last Jedi first appeared on Open Apple.