In show #60 of Open Apple, the only co-hosted Apple II podcast, Quinn and Mike chat with Sean Fahey of the KansasFest Committee about the 2016 convention, Apple II clones, and more.

The post Open Apple #60 (June 2016) : Sean Fahey, KansasFest 2016 Warmup first appeared on Open Apple.

This month on Open Apple, we sit down with Sean Fahey of A2Central, major league collector, and member of the KansasFest Committee. It’s not too late to register! Go to right now. If you listen to this show, you should definitely be there. The Garage Giveaway will be larger than ever this year. You won’t want to miss the amazing pile of free Apple II gear. The other classic traditions keep getting better as well- the cookout will be catered, and the prizes for the various contests are amazing this year. All the great Apple II community vendors have stepped up with a lot of hardware, tools, and software to give away.

KansasFest 2016 runs July 19th – July 24th at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, MO. The keynote speaker this year is Mike Harvey, best known in the Apple II community as the editor of Nibble magazine. He has some great stories about the business and culture of the early computing era.

We don’t just talk about KansasFest this month. We dive a bit deeper into the murky world of Apple II clones. Also marvel as Mike pretends to know nothing about KansasFest, and roll your eyes as Quinn continues to beat a dead horse joke about the eBay segment. Fear not, however, because the world is a better now that we all know the Lode Runner board game exists.


More information on everything discussed in this episode, after the jump.

KansasFest 2016 : Run, don’t walk to the registration page.KansasFest 2015 photos : Jason Scott’s great shots from last year.Staff C1 clone : Nice photos of a lesser-known Apple II clone.Chrome emulator : Run an Apple II as a Chrome extension, because you can.Lode Runner Board Game : Quinn really really wanted this, but hesitated too long.Kerbal Space Program : Yes, someone really seems to have written a version for the II.DB-19s Live Again : Intrepid Steve Chamberlin now has ALL THE DB-19s!!!!!4am & qkumba crushing it : The odyssey of Gumball and the multi-game easter egg.RamWorks III kit : UltimateMicro now lets you roll your own. Less juice, more memory.Apple I on eBay : The bubble seems to have burst.Clones on eBay :

Microdigital TK3000
Mystery Clone
Korean Clone
Another Pravetz
Another mystery clone
Tano AVT2

Personal Software Zork : The rare pre-Infocom edition.Exatron Stringy Floppy : A bit of Sinclair madness for your Apple II.Nox Archaist contest – Make tiles and win prizes for this new RPG.Genius – Daniele Liverani’s new Apple II game is now available.A2Central – The #1 Apple II news source!


The post Open Apple #60 (June 2016) : Sean Fahey, KansasFest 2016 Warmup first appeared on Open Apple.