In show #58 of Open Apple, the only co-hosted Apple II podcast, Quinn & Mike chat with Huibert Aalbers about SoundSmith, cover Apple II news, Woz, and more.

The post Open Apple #58 (April 2016) : Huibert Aalbers, IIGS Stuff, Taiwanese Ham first appeared on Open Apple.

This month on Open Apple, we sit down with Huibert Aalbers, author of Soundsmith. It’s hard to overstate what a platform-defining piece of software this was for the Apple IIgs. Few people appreciated what the audio system in this computer was capable of, until Huibert unlocked it for the world to hear. Games and scene demos would use his tool for the entire life of the machine. Other music trackers came along in later years, but Soundsmith was always there. It turns out platform jealousy can be a powerful force indeed.

Meanwhile, we talk oranges, Taiwanese ham, dying young, and cramming IIc parts in your Franklin. We blow the lid off the French pirate sneakernet and complain about kids today and their disrespect for bytes.

After that, Mike finds beta ROMs, Quinn loses her sense of humor, and they both find GS RAM cards everywhere. It’s a IIgs themed episode- all the Ensoniqs and FTAs you can stand. If you’re an Atari user*, see if you can spot the backhanded compliment.

You won’t want to miss Huibert’s amazing project involving IIgs Epluché!

More information on everything discussed in this episode, after the jump.

Getting rid of collections : Because you can’t take it with you.Disposal on RCR : Those jerks scooped us by a year. How do they do it?Huibert Aalbers : Where is he now?Freeware : All of Huibert’s work is now up grabs.Mockingboard 4C : Ian Kim is at it again! For sale here!Lawless Legends : This game just keeps getting better and better looking.AIPC : A new Apple IIe emulator to take for a spin.Historically Brewed (pdf warning) : David Greelish re-releases the newsletter in PDF form.Computer Museum of America : Mr. Greelish will be busy.Franklin ACE transplant : A creative solution to an ailing power supply.Adult Oregon Trail : Don’t worry, it’s not what it sounds like.IIc Plus Slowdown : Hack-a-day picks up Quinn’s project.4am goes viral : One of the posts that started it all.3.5 Drive Controller : The latest sweet sweet clone from UltimateMicro.Apple blew it : The IIgs tragedy, nicely laid out.Gold box games : Jimmy Maher goes deep on Pool of Radiance.VCF Reorganizes : VCFSE is on!A2Heaven ROM adapter : Upgrade your IIgs ROM!UltimateMicro ROM adapter : Upgrade your IIgs ROM again!ByteBoosters RAM : Because you can never have too many IIgs RAM cards.Nox Archaist : A new RPG in the spirit of Ultima, coming soon.Mark Pilgrim’s Pravetz : Come to KFest to see the very rare (in the US) clone.Choplifter Visualized : Because it’s such a nice looking game.Woz is everywhere : Including here, here, and here!

*our condolences

The post Open Apple #58 (April 2016) : Huibert Aalbers, IIGS Stuff, Taiwanese Ham first appeared on Open Apple.