In which we talk to Meredith Gerber about her work on social media, layout, and writing for Onyx Path and  also her work with OneBookShelf/DriveThruRPG!

* An immediate derailment
* How Meredith got involved with the LARP community and then White Wolf, Onyx Path etc.
* A bit on book signings.
* Meredith's work on our social media!
* How we work together!
* Check the Monday Meeting Notes!
* Social-media negativity and wanting immediate answers.
* Some stuff about turning things off when you're done working.
* Onyx Path as a company is dating R. Talsorian Games.
* Freelancers in the RPG industry know each other!
* Meredith's graphic-design work.
* Kickstarter video voiceovers.
* Meredith wrote on the Geist anthology!
* OneBookShelf: What is it?
* Some stuff about getting jobs you didn't expect.
* Mere is a good photographer, too!
* LARPin'
* Matthew is menacing and also maybe we stole a boat?