There is a rising suit of tools that allow people the world over to begin doing things with their money that has previously been impossible. As blockchain tools begin to grow up, we are seeing a creative explosion of possibilities as people begin to program money.

One tools that we have mentioned a few times in recent episodes is DAI. D.A.I. DAI is a tool from the company, Maker. DAI is a dollar backed token that lets holders of this token make steady and passive gains. rDAI, an offshoot of DAI, was built to give people a chance to automatically allocate accrued interest to a recipient of your choice. In short, this tool makes it possible to accrue and contribute interest from your cash assets.

A very exciting use case of rDAI is being forwarded with charitable ends, and today I am stoked to sit down with Victor of rTrees, a tool that sends your accrued interest to a charity that plants trees. This is just the latest example of how blockchain tech is being used and experimented with to create a more sane, just and sustainable economy.

Learn More:
- Website:
- Twitter: @rTreesDapp
- Medium: