“Working to reduce risk and provide a better customer experience in electronics manufacturing.” - Chris Church

Macrofab offers a better electronics manufacturing experience for the customer, from PCBA manufacturing to complete product assembly, testing, and fulfillment. Chris Church is here to explain the inspiration behind Macrofab, the solution it offers to design engineers, and the value they add to get your product out fast and efficiently.

Altium 365: Where the World Designs Electronics

Watch the video, click here. [link to website live page]

Show Highlights:

Chris Introduction and overview of Macrofab (“Pool of Capacity”)
The how and why of Macrofab’s innovation and the value proposition to the electronics hardware market: 
Macrofab offers seamless solutions to electronics manufacturing challenges
“AWS” of manufacturing. A fully managed marketplace
Technological capabilities and faster turnarounds
Customer demographic and addressable market (North America, Engineering and Purchasing professionals, small to medium enterprise  companies in Industrial, IoT, Communications and Robotic markets)

Meeting the needs of design engineers and purchasing without breaking company policies
Proactive vs. Reactive--cost drivers and availability
Providing amazing customer experience

Links and Resources:

Macrofab Website
Macrofab Podcast
Chris Church, LinkedIn Profile
Press Release: Shared Transformation Vision, Altium Investment

Full OnTrack Podcast Library
Altium Website
Download your Altium Designer Free Trial


Altium 365: Where the World Designs Electronics