What’s in your soft skill toolbox? Eli Hughes is a true full-stack hardware engineer and a co-founder of Tzero Brew. He joins the OnTrack podcast to share his insights on how to foster innovation, manage upstream failure, build trust with your fellow engineers and stakeholders, and develop your soft skills—and other non-technical skills we use to communicate with each other and solve problems effectively. 

Altium 365: Where the World Designs Electronics

Watch the video, click here.

Show Highlights:

Intro to Eli
Meeting the challenges of working remotely
A lesson in engineering from a kindergartener
”Soft skills for hardware”; humanity in engineering 
Timing and Perception: Shifting targets as customer needs change
Too easy to be negative; finding positivity in global challenges
How constraints foster innovation
Wants vs Needs: building trust with fellow developers
Jeremy Blum’s take on ‘Empathic Engineering’
You make it, you fix it: managing upstream failure
Believing in the Mission: how ordinary people do extraordinary things
The Part vs the Whole: Lee Ritchey’s homemade Apollo 11 boards
Elon Musk & Tony Stark: the power of unification
Expanding your sphere of influence by thinking holistically 
How students at TU Delft is helping paraplegics walk again
Mining Sci-fi and fantasy reading for soft skills
Now is the time: get out of your comfort zone!

Links and Resources:

Eli Hughes AltiumLive Presentation: Crossing the Chasm
AltiumLive 2020 Presentations
Jeremy Blum AltiumLive 2018: Empathic Engineering
OnTrack Insight with Lee Ritchey
Altium Stories: Project March (Exoskeleton)
Eric Bogatin Amazon Author Page
OnTrack Insight Videos
Article:  5 Essential Soft Skills for a Successful Career in Engineering


Altium 365: Where the World Designs Electronics