Awesome Author, Poker Bracelet Slayer and Editor-in-Chief of The Epic Poker League, Mr. Michael Craig stopped by the Ryan Sayer Show at OnTilt Radio. Ryan was missing Danielle Benham but Michael filled the gap with great stories and exciting Epic Poker League future plans and events. He also gave us some inside info on Full Tilt and a few of its key members, including a less than pleased Lederer, and his thoughts on the WSOP and its coverage Plus, Epic's very own TV Broadcasts on the Velocity Network and CBS! Even better we got a sneak peek as to where his head is pointed should he put fingers to keyboard again. You don't have to wait for the long version, Michael and all of Epic's knowledgeable list of contributing writers have already filled enough content to keep you busy between hands well into the future. We always enjoy our time with our Epic Poker Leagues friends so check them out at! Thanks Michael. Don't be a stranger.