Did the city council pull the rug out from under voter-approved dollars? Plus, an interview with the team behind Local Theater’s world premiere of ‘237 Virginia Ave.’


In this episode of the OnStage Colorado Podcast, hosts Alex
Miller and Toni Tresca take a look at all of the live theatre happening around the state and what’s coming up in May. Toni also lays out some of the details of a story he co-wrote in the Boulder Weekly about how the City of Boulder appears to be changing the terms of how 2023’s voter-approve ballot measure will allocate funding for the arts in
the state’s largest university town.


Plus, Alex gets the low-down on the world premiere of David
Myers’ new play 237 Virginia Ave. being produced by Local Theatre Company. We hear from the two actors — Jacob Dresch and Lawrence Hecht — along with co-director Nick Chase about how the dark comedy came together. The play
opens at the Denver Savoy May 2. Info & tix


Theatre companies and organizations mentioned in this


Audacious Theatre
Benchmark Theatre
Cherry Creek Theatre
Coal Creek Theatre
Colorado Springs ENT Center
Control Group Productions
Create Boulder
CSU Theatre
Denver Center
Evergreen Players
Fine Arts Center at Colorado College
Jester’s Dinner Theater
Lincoln Center
Merely Players
Mesa Experimental Theatre
Millibo Art Theatre
Miners Alley
Opera Colorado
Platte Valley Players
Stories on Stage
Town Hall Arts Center
Upstart Crow
Vintage Theatre