Here's your daily coronavirus podcast update from the Seattle Real Estate Podcast.   Coming to you daily from the epicenter of the US coronavirus outbreak in Seattle, Washington.  While we are going through social distancing, Summit Properties NW and Reynolds & Kline Apprsail will be presenting a daily podcast to keep you apprised of what's going on out in the world and how the coronavirus is impacting real estate and our lives.   

Join Sean Reynolds, your host of the Seattle Real Estate Podcast.  Sean Reynolds is also the designated managing broker and owner of Summit Properties NW and a certified real estate appraiser and owner of  Reynolds and Kline Appraisal.  

We are shooting this podcast only 8.7 miles away from the epicenter of the coronavirus here in the United States which is the Life Care Center in Kirkland where the majority of deaths from the coronavirus have occurred in the US.  My office is in Bellevue and the next city to the north is Kirkland and that’s where the Life Care Center of Kirkland is located place.  My social media guy lives in Kirkland.  Kirkland Signature Brand, yep, it's named after the same Kirkland.     

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Monday ordered all bars, restaurants and entertainment facilities in the state to close. Restaurants can provide take-out or delivery services only. By the end of the day, several states had enacted similar measures.