The proposed Federal Bailout for the coronavirus is estimated at 1 Trillion Dollars.  Will this have much impact??  | Seattle Real Estate Podcast  - Daily coronavirus update

When will the coronavirus hysteria start to taper??? It’s like asking a fireman when you can move back in, but your house is still on fire. How long will social distancing for coronavirus have to last? It depends on these factors. How long are we going to have to keep this up? The closed schools, working from home, six feet of personal space and zombie-apocalypse empty streets? 

The best and most honest reply, according to epidemiologists and virologists, is simple: “It depends.” It’s not going to be over anytime soon — a matter of months rather than weeks. And these are the key factors that will determine just how many months. 

My name is Sean Reynolds I am your host of the Seattle Real Estate Podcast. I am also the designated managing broker and owner of Summit Properties NW and I am a certified real estate appraiser and owner of Reynolds & Kline Appraisal. I am shooting this podcast only 8.7 miles away from the epicenter of the coronavirus here in the United States which is the Life Care Center in Kirkland where the majority of deaths from the coronavirus have occurred in the US. My office is in Bellevue and the next city to the north is Kirkland and that’s where the Life Care Center of Kirkland is located place. My social media guy lives in Kirkland. Kirkland Signature Brand, yep, it's named after the same Kirkland. 

While the novel coronavirus that causes the respiratory infection covid-19 continues to spread in Italy, new daily cases in other countries like China and South Korea are finally tapering off — a sign that they have passed the peak of their immediate crises. It took China roughly two months from the beginning of its outbreak — and a month from the time the gravity of the situation was understood — for the country to reach its peak. And it took South Korea roughly half a month. It is impossible, however, to say when that peak will arrive in the United States for many reasons — chief among them the fact that we don’t yet know the true number of cases because of how limited testing remains in America. Two and half months after the virus emerged, China has partially lifted its draconian lockdowns in many areas. 

Schools have started reopening, and authorities have taken down the makeshift hospitals built in Wuhan at the height of the outbreak. We could see such second or third waves of outbreaks in countries still recovering from the first. Some experts think the virus will eventually infect 40 to 70 percent of the world’s population. How well America is able

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