Forty-four nurses at the state's largest pediatric hospital describe working "in a persistent state of fear" in the psychiatric and behavioral medicine unit.

The Washington State Nurses Association issued a release on behalf of employees at Seattle Children's hospital, who sent a letter to the facility on Nov. 17 urgently requesting more help in their unit.

WSNA said twice in the last two weeks, police have been called to mitigate violent incidents in the unit.

On Nov. 7, WSNA said police responded after "patients turned over carts, used a pole to swing at people, broke windows, and held a nurse in a chokehold."

WSNA said the same day, a nurse in a different part of the unit was "choked, struck in the head 16 times, and nearly lost consciousness."

“Having 12 officers come in and escort a patient out is a sign we are under-resourced and also traumatizing,” Natasha Vederoff, a nurse on the unit, said in the release.

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