In a letter obtained by KGW sent to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler earlier this month, Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt outlined his concerns with Portland’s daytime ban on homeless camping.

The ban itself has been somewhat of a never-ending saga, leaving Portlanders confused over how it would be enforced, which was the crux of Schmidt's letter. If a homeless person violated the ban three times, they could face fines or jail time. 

Though unable to talk with KGW on camera, Schmidt’s letter stated that the ban required Portland Police officers to give his office the following documentation when someone violated it:

Police report(s) documenting the date, time, location, and nature of the camping violation on each of the three dates.
Copies of the two prior written warnings required by PCC 14A.50.025(A).
If police are issuing a citation on the grounds that the subject is not “involuntarily homeless,” in addition to the items listed above, we also need an identified witness, with contact information, who can establish that shelter or other options for housing were accessible to the subject on each date in question.

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