Imagine stepping onto your usual bus or train only to find yourself enveloped in an invisible cloud of illicit drugs. Not just a hypothetical scenario, but a shocking reality revealed by a recent University of Washington study. In this unsettling episode, we confront the disconcerting findings of this research, which tested air and surface samples from 30 local transit buses and trains. The revealing data showed a staggering presence of fentanyl, methamphetamine, and cocaine. 

Then, we steer the conversation towards TriMet - the Pacific Northwest's largest transit provider - and their response to this pressing matter. An update in the TriMet code now addresses this alarming prevalence of drugs. We break down the new procedures in place for when drug usage is detected on board, dissecting its implications for transit operators, riders, and cities at large. If you're a regular of public transportation, or if you care about public health and safety, you need to hear this. The constant exposure to these ubiquitous drugs is not just an issue of cleanliness - it's a matter of our community's wellbeing. Tune in, and let's confront this hidden menace together.

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