HONK! HONK! Who is that guy with the horn? It's Tyler Giese from Laser Beam! Let's explore what Pedal means if we start with no expectation of meaning other than the sound of the word.
Proctologist's office, trying to read circuit diagrams, and pianos that meow, all play into the conversation. TUNE IN!

HONK! HONK! Who is that guy with the horn? It's Tyler Giese from Laser Beam! Let's explore what Pedal means if we start with no expectation of meaning other than the sound of the word.

Proctologist's office, trying to read circuit diagrams, and pianos that meow, all play into the conversation. TUNE IN!


Julie wrote a review and it is in the style of In the moment! Please enjoy. I feel like listening to the freshest-est episode and writing you a PCR, right away! (While cooking a pizza.) (Well, half a pizza! Toaster oven . . . ) [[[I wrote most of this note yesterday, by the way. I'm reading through what's here, then I'll add more -- and SEND this!]]]

(1) "Peddle" . . . I want to note that this word can _also_ mean to sell something! ("Peddling wares . . . ") 

(2) Alaina! (I know her, too) -- (I'm glad you got to visit her and have good food and friendshipping!) [[[Re-reading this part, which I wrote yesterday, and pondering the significant difference between "friendship-ing" and "friend-shipping." Do you see it, too?]]]

(3) (Now I have paused your show for a moment) because I want to focus on telling you that the bulb horn is cool, AND I want to add a story: my dad and stepmom had a bulb horn fastened to the wall, near the top of the stairs, at the house they lived in (in Index) during my childhood years. I used to sometimes toot the bulb horn, on the way down the stairs! The (only) bathroom in the house, was upstairs; it was a big bathroom because the house didn't originally have a bathroom, (OLD house, and there had originally been an outhouse instead of a bathroom); at some point, a bedroom was turned into a bathroom. There was a clawfoot tub in there! (Oops now I'm starting to get side-tracked away from the podcast topics! I'm spinning off!) Yes, the bulb horn does sound like it would be a good car horn. I love it that he carries Bulbhorn around with him! (If I see a guy with a bulbhorn, I will know who!) One interesting thing which I used to carry around with me, (sometimes), was a clock. (A battery powered wall clock, his name was Ivan.) the 1/2 pizza is not in the oven yet. (I need to add some extra cheese . . . )

(4) OH -- just now I felt like you were about to tell us what the 2nd topic was going to be, in this episode, (and I was thinking: "wait no . . . I want it to be a surprise!!!" (And then you kept it a mystery for now.) (Yay!) I'm about to grate the cheese! (After I type this.) (It's just a frozen cheese 1/2 pizza BTW don't get too excited . . . ) (I'll be turning the podcast back on now . . . )

(5) (Okay) . . . I again paused the podcast for a bit, so I could think (in my head) about my favorite experience with (flower) petals, and after some searching around, I thought of one! CILANTRO was growing in the garden over here, and my nose suddenly caught a whiff of the SCENT of the cilantro blossoms. (So-lovely) -- a bit like the scent of cilantro leaves. Even better! -- (at the same time, both subtler but also more arresting! Very intriguing!) Hmmmm . . . mmmaybe that story conveys a general, "flower-related" experience; rather than specifically a "petal-related" experience. (I hope it still counts for somethin' here!) While thinking about flowers and petals, I also remembered a time when I smelled chocolate. SMELLED CHOCOLATE (while working at an office, on campus, while I was in college). WHERE was that chocolate scent coming from? (I was perplexed, for a while) -- then I figured out that the chocolate scent was coming from a bouquet of Dahlias which was sitting above the desk where I sat!) (WOW, huh?) I'm usually not super-fond of floral scents; (but I LOVED the cilantro-flower scent, and the chocolate Dahlia scent); I'm also fond of the scent of HELIOTROPE -- (are you familiar with that one?) (To me, it smells like vanilla!) OH -- Pinapple Sage! (The scent is heavenly! I guess there are multiple floral scents I admire.) 

[[[ (5.5) This was going to be part of #5, but I decided to give it its own segment in the spotlight here.]]] In the time since I paused the podcast, I also looked up "petal," in Howard -- (my 1950 Webster's Dictionary New International Version Unabridged); Howard has numerous petal-related words, including "petalage" -- referring to the petals on a flower. (As you might have guessed with those various sidetrackings, some time has passed and the pizza is fully COOKED now! I thought I should include that update.) Now I'm going to start listening again . . . 

(6) DAISIES!!! (The little white flowers Tyler was talking about in there . . . they are daisies, I'm quite certain!) The cool thing about those teeny daisies is that they are so short; they grow right along with the grass -- (then maybe they sometimes don't even get cut when the lawn is mowed -- or maybe they just grow up again quickly?) I think they are cute. (Daisies stink, though; from a fragrance point of view. At least the big ones do) -- the type-o-Daisies called "Shasta" Daisies. (Back to the small ones, that grow in the lawn) . . . some of them have a pink-ish-purplish tinge. Some people make little chains out of them, while sitting in the grass at the park. (I think I've been one of those people . . . I've dabbled in diminutive daisy-chaining!) Important announcement: there is more podcast for me to listen to and write about, but I think I'll call this PCR#1 (for this episode) -- I plan to add more here (about this episode) in a futurenote . . . 

Days passed, curiosity built, and then Julie sent me round two!

(7) The "Bird of Paradise" flower . . . I was pretty sure I'd seen a photo (but I did a google just to be sure) -- and learned that there is a poster, (36" x 24" on heavy giclée paper) featuring the Bird of Paradise flower. I looked up "giclée," it's a process in which a high-quality print is produced by an inkjet printer. (The word "Giclée" is a derivative of the French word "gicler" -- which means "to squirt.") Yes I had indeed remembered the Bird of Paradise flower correctly. (I didn't purchase the Bird of Paradise poster.) [[[Almost completely unrelated: in the time since typing that, I did order a poster featuring Jackfruit. Smaller, of uncertain quality.]]]

(8) (When I've used a number 8 in a list, it has always turns into a sunglassed smiley-face, on facebook.) I'm pretty certain that's going to happen here, too.

(9) Of bicycles, you said "I don't know how they stand up." I thought that brought up an interesting question -- (yes, WHY do they stand up so well, while in motion? -- it's an appropriate thing to be wondering!) I thought for sure there would be a simple scientific explanation for it, but when I did a google (to learn what it might be), I learned that researchers designed experiments to test to see if the two factors they _thought_ might be responsible for a bicycle not falling, were indeed responsible -- (they designed a bike which eliminated those factors). The bike-model they created still stayed upright while moving! -- (even without those two factors, and even without a rider!) 

(10) I want to see a photo of the bike + trailer + canoe, (that's dedication!)

(11) Interesting stuff there, about using pedals in music making.;

(12) I drove an automobile with a standard transmission (with a clutch PEDAL), for a few years, in college: a 1958 Volkswagen Beetle -- (named "Wogglebug" . . . nickname = "Woggle"). One thing which was interesting about Woggle is that she did not have a gas gauge. I had to use other methods to keep track of the amount of fuel in the gas tank. I could lift the hood, remove the lid to the gas tank, and peer down in there with a flashlight, (to observe the fuel level). OR . . . (better) . . . I could slam on the brakes (while coming to a STOP, in a parking lot) -- -- -- then immediately turn off the engine and listen to the sound of the fuel in the tank. The sound of fuel slapping loudly against the sides of the gas tank indicated that I'd be fine for a while); little trickly sounds meant I should: BUY. GAS. SOON.) (I only ran out of fuel a few times and only one time was a particularly memorable adventure!)

(13) Yes! ("Peddle" can mean to sell something; I mentioned that in my comment #1, without having yet listened to part where it was mentioned, later along in the podcast). It sounds like the word "peddler" preceded the variation "peddle." "Peddler" was derived from French and Latin words referring to feet; (peddlers can travel on foot, to sell their wares). [[[Adding this comment later, after having listened to the entire podcast: it seems to me that "peddle" can refer to a wider variety of selling than just going on foot, though; selling things in a store or even SELLING DRILLS over the telephone, etc., hmmm?]]]

(14) (I have paused the show and right now I am trying to think of some other devices which utilize pedals.) I've thought of a few! One example: a SPINNING WHEEL (to spin yarn). There might also be pottery wheels which are operated via pedal. (True dat. I just checked.)

(15) That first sound affection segment was one of the most surprising ones I've heard! (Adding a thumbs up for hilariousness!) The 2nd portion -- (the telemarketing drill peddler) = super duper hilarious! (I also want to mention that "stormbraining" = perfect new variation on an old word . . . )

(16) I DID! (I googled up a diagram of a pedal.) 

(17) Have you heard of a theremin? (Maybe sort of unrelated, but I was reminded of it, so . . . )

(18) OhMyGosh I guess the thermin IS related (because now you two are suddenly talking about it! (So it wasn't just me who thought of it!)

(19) Chocolate chip cookies are reallllllly good!

(20) (While he was wondering whether you've microwaved CDs), Tyler reminded me of a youtube show called "Is it a good idea to microwave this?" -- a friend told me about it, years ago. (Tyler might like that show. There is also a youtube show called "Will it Blend?" -- similar concept, but involving a blender instead of a microwave.) Spoiler alert: it's not a good idea to put every thing in the microwave. It's not a good idea to put every thing in a blender. 

(22) SPIN PAINTING! (Paint dropped on spinning thing, it makes cool patterns; can be messy though . . . )

(23) (Wait, what does happen when CDs are microwaved?)

(24) I'm glad we got to hear the horn again at the end . . . (nice way to finish!)

(25) (It seems like 25 would be a good number to end on, so I'm adding this one . . . ) 🙂