There are 6 significant things that have happened so far in 2020: 

The Executive Order of President Trump suspending the entry of H-1B visas from outside the US, with exceptions for certain types of H-1BsThe ITServe vs. Cissna and other Federal cases that held USCIS memoranda of 2010 and 2018 were invalid under the Regulations.The Settlement Agreement between USCIS and ITServe indicating the Memoranda would no longer be used.The new Policy Memorandum of June 17, 2020. Analysis of what it changes and as importantly what is still at issue.COVID-19 PandemicPublic Charge Issues

Learn how you can still win an H-1B visa after Trump's immigration ban by watching this in-depth video from Jon Velie of OnlineVisas. Even after the President's latest proclamation, there are still ways to obtain an H-1B visa in 2020. If you would like to win an H-1B visa after the ban, please contact us at OnlineVisas to discuss your options.