Hello ladies and gentleman, welcome to another amazing episode from Online Marketing PRO. Today we want to talk to you about the power of quitting. There is such a negative connotation on quitting. You’ll hear things like, “winners never quit and quitters never win.” Unfortunately too many people take that quote too literally and they start that “if you quit than you’re weak”. We’re here to tell you that quitting can actually be one of the very thing that allows you to achieve the success that you have always wanted! You’re probably saying to yourself right now Thomas and Ali you guys are idiots… Let us break it down for you. There are literally hundreds of reasons why you’re not seeing success. You need to learn how to quit doing the things that are keeping you from your goals and learn how to say no to the things that aren’t growing you emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, or financially. Quit blaming people for your own short comings. YOU and YOU along are responsible for your own success and failures. Quit binge watching tv shows and movies, Start binge reading books and listening to audio books and educational podcasts. Quit surrounding yourself with people who don’t inspire and push you to do more, have more, and become more! The law of Association states that we become the average of the 5 people that we surround our selves with most. Our business is a reflection of ourselves and our network. Quit jumping from company to company and opportunity to opportunity. The grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it! You need to find one company that you believe in that has a legitimate product, a solid compensation plan, and a network of individuals that can truly help you grow and scale not only your business but your life as well! Follow us @onlinemarketingpro.co @aliinspires.co @thomascarver.co