In this episode, we’re talking in-depth about building out the operations machine in your business. I realize this may not sound like the most exciting thing ever, but it’s an important step if you want to build a real business.

Your operations machine deals with the behind-the-scenes stuff that isn’t customer-facing. Most people think of it as the “unsexy” part of running a business. It includes the legal and financial stuff as well as systems to get you out of the day-to-day of your business.

We’ll look at the various parts that make up these two sides of your operations machine and cover when you should focus on building the different parts of your operations machine.

WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN TODAY’S EPISODE: The two sides to your operations machine Compliance  Automations and delegation The compliance side focuses on Legal – LLC, getting agreements in writing, state and local business requirements, industry regulations Finances – bank accounts, bookkeeping, cash flow, planning, controls The automations/delegation side of your business includes  Tech Team Systems Tech Best to keep it simple when you’re starting out Start with an all-in-one system and a way for people to book a call with you Tech and automation can get out of the day-to-day but you need to be selective about what you automate Team  Hiring team members should help you make more money There are benefits and challenges with growing your team Most people in the online marketing space are hiring too early (before they’re making enough money) If you have free time, it’s probably too early for you to hire Your first hire should take on repetitive tasks for you so you can focus on higher-value tasks Systems Developing standard operating procedures  Project management Systems tend to grow as your team does RESOURCES IN TODAY’S EPISODE: Tired of buying overpriced online training programs that don’t live up to their hype? We thought so. That’s why we created our 100% FREE program, BADA$$ Online Marketing University. BOMU will teach you what you need to know to build and market your online business. Get started today! Profit First by Mike Michalowicz Calendar booking options: Calendly or Acuity All-in-one options: Kartra or Kajabi Feeling stuck in your business but can’t afford a high-ticket coaching program or mastermind? We’ve got you covered. The BADA$$ Online Marketing Membership is the perfect fit for online entrepreneurs who are in the early stages of building their business but want some extra support, coaching, and accountability. If you’re collecting data on your website, you’re legally required to post a privacy policy. Now you could spend hours researching and writing your own, or you could just grab my FREE Privacy Policy. The ups and downs of online business can be overwhelming when you’re doing it alone. In my FREE Community, BADA$$ Online Marketers, you can meet biz-minded friends, ask your questions, and get support. Come join the fun! Are you on the ‘gram? Stop by and say “hi” to Bobby on Instagram!