In this episode, we’re talking about the 4 machines that your business needs to succeed. This topic is part of an ongoing conversation we started a few weeks ago about what it really means to create a freedom business.

There are people in the online marketing space who are selling the idea that building a business is easy and that all you need to do is hire a VA to run it and you’ll be earning money while you sleep in no time. But this isn’t realistic.

Now, you might be wondering what I mean by “machines.” These are simply the different teams or functions in your business that handle a lot of different tasks. In this episode, we'll do an overview of the 4 machines you need in your business so you can see the big picture. In future weeks, we’ll dig into each of these 4 machines so you can see more specifically what you’ll need in each one.

WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN TODAY’S EPISODE: What people really mean by “freedom business” The two kinds of freedom you need to create in your business Money freedom Time freedom The marketing machines (traffic, conversions, customer experience) are what create the money and money freedom The operations machine is what helps you create time freedom The operations machine has 2 main roles:  Ensuring you’re dealing with all the requirements and compliance issues Getting you out of the day-to-day Challenges to building your operations machine You need to build a team so you’re not doing everything yourself You need money to fund a team Building a team too soon can stunt your growth Why it’s important to stay lean in the early stages of your business Why you also need to think of time in terms of its value The machines in the marketing area Traffic = getting attention Conversion = turning leads into buyers Customer experience = experience people have with your brand at every stage Why the funnel model is short-sighted How the machines in the marketing area are interconnected Why you need to build all 4 of these machines if you want a successful business RESOURCES IN TODAY’S EPISODE: E-myth Revisited BADA$$ Online Marketing Membership BADA$$ Online Marketing University Free Privacy Policy BADA$$ Online Marketers Follow Bobby on Instagram