In today's episode, we’re going to talk about what a value ladder is and why it matters for your online business. "Value ladder" is a term you frequently hear in the online marketing space. The main concept is that you have a lineup of offers that increase in value and price. Let's break it down.

WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN TODAY’S EPISODE: The term value ladder refers to a lineup of offers that increase in value and price. One model of a value ladder is a process where people start at the bottom and move up Another model provides the same solution but allows people to choose the level of support that works best for them A different type of model is to create offers that make sense for the journey your customer is on Why I created a value ladder that corresponds with where people are in their journey of building a business The difference between a value ladder and series of upsells and one-time offers The mistake that many entrepreneurs make when it comes to their value ladder How a value ladder can increase customer lifetime value RESOURCES IN TODAY’S EPISODE: BADA$$ Online Marketing Membership BADA$$ Online Marketing University Free Privacy Policy BADA$$ Online Marketers Follow Bobby on Instagram