Kicking off season 3 of Thoughtcast by Onething with an insightful chat about Web 3.0! In this episode, host Divanshu is joined by Akshay Gurnani, the co-founder of Schbang, a leading digital agency in India. The conversation opens with how the pair met one another, as well as Akshay’s journey to this point, particularly in the last decade.

Following this, we come to the focus of the discussion, Web 3.0, and crucially, how it will evolve the relationship between users and digital products. In particular, we discuss the metaverse, NFTs, and the blockchain. Akshay gives a fantastic example of utility in the blockchain, citing the difficulty in tracking down past homeowners when purchasing property, and how the blockchain is a perfect solution for the issue. Furthermore, the pair delve into their dream scenarios for the metaverse, including its impact on daily life in general, advertising, customer experiences, and more! The conversation culminates in discussing how familiar newer generations are with these technologies, and how it appears like second nature to them.

Don’t miss the season premiere of Thoughtcast by Onething, LIVE now!

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