The On The Horizon podcast series is brought to you by Onefish Twofish.

In this 45-minute conversation with Alan Wick, business coach and consultant - you will hear:

About the relationship to money of the leaders of the organisation - how that transcends both start ups AND large organisationsWhat big companies can learn from start ups about team sizeThe power and curse of a start up style ‘force of nature’ personality in your leadership team - how to handle it, how to use itThe concept of “Partneritis” and how that can handcuff large companies tooHow to develop self-responsibility when people feel far away from the results of their actions in a large company

We reference:

Dr. Mary Lippitt (1987) developed a model for complex change with 5 key elements: Vision, Incentives, Resources Skills and plan. You can download a summary here

Find Alan Wick here:
On Twitter: @alanwick
Alan’s radio show: Real Business on Meridian FM and via Tune In radio

You can find Onefish Twofish here:
on Twitter @onefishcomms and @cbedingfield

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