Previous Episode: Be Unapologetically You!

Nicole Dechow is the founder of Soul & Yoga, a yoga organisation that specialises in daily courses in it's Hamburg studio, wellness retreats, and teacher training programs in India. In addition to her thriving yoga business, Nicole is also a blogger, podcaster & coach for all things mindfulness.

A self-love advocate whose own personal inquiry into the bigger questions of life - Why am I here? What is my gift to bring into this life? What makes me happy? - lead her to quit a comfortable job in marketing and follow her heart to India where she transformed herself and her life. This podcast episode is not a chat about how to turn your passion into a business, rather it’s a mindful conversation about living life from a deeper place of meaning and love.

Take Aways

Learning to tune in and listen to your inner guidance
Learning to take risks and trust the process
The art of developing mindfulness
The importance of taking time for yourself
How to bring more self-love into your life

Show Notes

5:12 - Opening a yoga centre as a foreigner in India

11:44 - Comparions, expectations & social media

14:16 - Using social media mindfully

19:44 - Developing a habit of healthy behaviour

21:40 - No one is you, and that’s your superpower!

24:36 - Connecting to your why and the flow

29:47 - Finding the balance between push & surrender

31:40 - Developing self-love in order to live fully

35:52 - Learning from difficult emotions

39:14 - The process of integration

42:58 - Lessons from A Course in Miracles

Resources Mentioned

Apps: Freedom

Books: A Course in Miracles, A Return to Love

Connect to Nicole

Check out Nicole's Yoga Retreats, Spiritual Business School (German), Podcast (German) and connect to her on social: Instagram, Web, Podcast