Two Moms In The Raw’s Shari Koolik Leidich is this week’s guest. I’m excited for about a million reasons, but I’ll break it down to my top three…

1. Her products are DELICIOUS and were my savior when I changed my diet.
2. Her cookbook is one the best of this year. 
3. Her enthusiasm, sense of humor, and just plain Shari-ness is incredible (you’ll hear what I mean when you listen to the episode).

Shari and I discuss how she was blindsided by her diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, how she took her health into her own hands after conventional medicine wasn’t working, the company that launched as a result of it, and how she lives a life of omission and not remission. Shari is the real deal. 

Here’s Shari:

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Two Moms In The Raw Cookbook
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Brigitte Mars
Roger McDougall
Dr. Cousens
Terry Wahls
Adeena Sussman

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