Firstly, to hell with Hamas and terrorism. We stand with Israel as well as innocent Palestinians caught in the middle. May the fighting end soon and peace prevail.

On to happier news: Our good friend David Cover has left Penderyn and has joined M&H. Listen in as he shares his thoughts on world whiskies and details a number of amazing things going on at the M&H distillery since it was announced their Elements Sherry release made Whisky of the Year by World Whisky Awards. usual, have a seat, have a pour, and listen in. Unless you're driving. If you're driving, be smart and stay sober but be sure to listen into the conversation!

Special thanks to:

Weigh Down for allowing us to use their song "Wooden Monsters" as our theme song
Moana McAuliffe for designing our Podcast Logo
- RØDE for making *really* great microphones
- Focusrite for making awesome USB receivers
- Olympus and Tascam for making fine mobile recording devices
Joshua Hatton for producing and editing

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