Ah, welcome back! So good that you're here to witness a fresh new installment of fear...

It's time for part 3 of our spooktacular Halloween special, THE OL' DEVIL'S COUNTY HARVEST FAIR! Last time, Allie found herself under the thrall of the wicked magician, The Great Zombini, and it was up to Leo to save his sister and escape the clutches of the horrifying zombie horde!

Join our Patreon, lest ye be left alone in the unspeakable darkness...


Book & Lyrics by Jacob Ben-Shmuel & Alan Blake Bachelor

Music by Jacob Ben-Shmuel

Additional Music & Lyrics by James Bachelor

Additional Music by Taylor Fagins

Directed by Jacob Ben-Shmuel

Music Direction by Kate Chadwick

Orchestrations by Daniel Klintworth, Kory Hilpmann & Leslie Oliver Wickham

Additional Orchestrations by Travis Cook Johnson

Arrangements by Morgan Hollingsworth & Daniel Klintworth

Editing by Travis Cook Johnson & Jacob Ben-Shmuel

Audio Production by Travis Cook Johnson


Cailen Fu .................................... Allie

Kaden Kearney ........................... Leo

Jacob Ben-Shmuel ..................... Mr. Marrow

James Bachelor ......................... The Dark Ride Narrator

Jo Ben-Shmuel, Maggie Bera, Bryce Charles,

Kevin Clay, Taylor Fagins, Jennifer Holcombe,

Morgan Hollingsworth, Cody Jamison Strand................................ Ensemble

Travis Cook Johnson .................. Additional Voices

Song List

"Time for a Tale (Part 3)" ............ Mr. Marrow

"Marrow's Second Hint" .............. Mr. Marrow

"The Dark Ride" ......................... The Dark Ride Narrator and Voices of the Dark

"Until Next Time... (Part 3)" ........ Mr. Marrow



Instagram: @OneMillionMusicals

Facebook: @OneMillionMusicals

Patreon: Patreon.com/OneMillionMusicals

Email: [email protected]

Music: Klintworth Music Services

Artwork: @stickadams

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