Welcome back loyal readers, listeners and Wrestling Maniacs, it's WrestleMania Weekend and I got it all covered in Chapter 180 of the One Man Renegade Podcast! First up I discuss what has been going on in AEW before moving over to Tony Khan's other company and making predictions for ROH Supercards of Honor! Next up I discuss WrestleMania Smackdown and the WWE Hall of Fame before discussing what been going on in NXT 2.0 and making predictions for NXT Stand and Deliver! Then it's the show of shows, the showcase of the immortals, the granddaddy of them all, time to go over all the matches for the 2 nights of WrestleMania and make my predictions! Finally I briefly talk about the NCAA Final Four and say goodbye to a legend!

All this and more, there was a lot to discuss, so sit back, relax and enjoy. Take a listen and don't forget to subscribe on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Spotify or Amazon and follow me @onemanrenegade on twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Thanks for listening and don't forget to check out my ebay and the YouTube Channel! STAY SAFE! HAVE FUN!

OMRP - Chapter 180 - WrestleMania 38 Weekend!