Welcome back loyal readers, listeners and movie viewers, it's time once again to count down some movies. I saw 75 movies from 2020-21, up from 70 in 2019, and with the Oscars right around the corner it is time to figure out which ones were good and which ones weren't. Over the next week I will be counting down from 75 to 1, so strap yourself in and get ready for a fantastic ride. Today is day 1 and I reveal 75-61, yeah, these were the dregs of the years, but it's fun to talk about how bad they are. SPOILER ALERT!: I tried my best not to ruin any of these movies, but there are some spoilers, so you have been warned, and really for most of these ones, I wouldn't be spoiling much anyway. Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher of Spotify, check out my YouTube channel and follow me on twitter, Instagram and Facebook @onemanrenegade. Come back tomorrow for part 2.

OMRP - Chapter 147 - 2020-21 Movie Ranks Part 2!