Welcome back loyal readers, listeners and movie viewers, it's part 2 of the 2019 movie ranks countdown. On this episode we continue our climb to number one, but we still got some not so great movies to get through. Today I will count down 60 to 51, so sit back relax and listen up. If for some reason you missed yesterday's podcast, go back and listen to that one and then come back and listen to this one. SPOILER ALERT!: I tried my best not to ruin any of these movies, but there are some spoilers, so you have been warned, still probably wouldn't be ruining much anyway, but you know. Thanks for listening and don't forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on twitter @razorvader. Come back tomorrow for part 3.

OMRP - Chapter 110 - 2019 Movie Ranks Part 2