Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D. (c), LLM 

Anneloes is a published researcher, coach, legal strategist, storyteller, trainer and system developer for transformational change and whole system learning & innovation, with close to 20 years of experience. She is the CEO & founder of EARTHwise Centre and co-Steward for the United Earth project. Anneloes embodies the process of transformation in her work with people on individual, collective and organizational scales, by creating a culture of openness, trust, and an awakening to the "heart" of what really matters and makes us flourish.

Rose  Trefz has enjoyed connecting to people globally and raising awareness of female gender issues, human rights, sharing in peace and environmental groups, supporting other friends Facebook pages and groups, as well as promoting what she believes we need most in the world; greater peace, compassion, and unity for all people.

When Rose began connecting to women from around the planet, and learned of the many devastating issues facing girls and women, it became very clear to her, that it is only when the female gender is educated, empowered and free that humanity will progress towards a more balanced, healed and stable world.