We’re Human

Let’s face it, we all make judgments, because we’re human. Judgments are not the problem. It’s what you think, say or do after the judgment that matters. As a society, we see the homeless as outcasts and speak about them with contempt. We place the elderly on a shelf discarded. Parents judge their children for not living the way they expect them to. Nations judge other Nations and wars begin or continue for centuries. We harshly judge those we disagree and treat them as if they have no right to exist. And ultimately – the judgments we make on ourselves strike us where we are most vulnerable  – the heart of our self-worth.

So what does it look like “to live with No Judgment Just Love? When you feel a judgment coming on – start with a pause, to remember judgments are not the problem, it’s what you do next that matters. Check out the video to learn how a PB&J moment can help after judgments for adults, teens and everyone.