You are the only person responsible for your happiness and creating a life you're passionate about. There will be decisions you'll have to make along the way and they won't always be popular, nor will you get approval from those around you. When those moments present themselves, step into the fear and follow your heart. This is the only sure way to feeling alive and live a passionate life. If you choose to go against it, a life of apathy and regret await. It is your life, you get to choose how your story will play out. Which will you choose?

Questions to ponder:

What is one thing you want to take action on, but haven't?Why haven't you taken the action? What are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of? What holding you back?Imagine you've made the decision and are now 3 years down the road. How do you feel? What other opportunities have come into your life as a result?If you were worrying about what others would say, what are they saying now? How do they feel about your decision?

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