Alternative title: Babylon Zune This episode was brought to you by the freshers’ flu. In fact, even the caretaker is writing this with a very snuffly left nostril. As a fun side quest why not see if you can count how many times we cough away from the microphone? Our SSG (no additional S required) was James Parker from Ground Shatter. He risked our germ-filled studio to talk about his latest game Rico. It’s a co-op FPS where you kick doors and shoot men. Kind of Rainbow Six but with the boring bits removed (which depends on if you consider the non-shooty bits boring). Ste of last year would have hated this game but it’s now right up his violent street. James has even made the game incredibly timely by adding in a certain animal (that will probably be out of date in two weeks’ time). As Ann is in HR she asked a very pertinent ethical question about the baddies, but James had an apposite response. Sorry about the different vocabulary in this episode intro. The cold must be affecting the caretaker in ways we didn’t know possible. We also found out what Simon has found under his stairs, why Ste got sent dirty pants through the post and chatted about spiders and toilet roll a bit too much for a radio show about videogames. Sega Badawi informed us of Local News and we’ve come back from Finland via a castle in a river on an island. This is literally where videogame karaoke can take you. Cheerio! Team OLL x Links: Track list: 1. Jerkemy – Zero Days Without A Gravity Wave Incident 2. MicroD – Rhotic Stagger
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Alternative title: Babylon Zune

This episode was brought to you by the freshers’ flu. In fact, even the caretaker is writing this with a very snuffly left nostril. As a fun side quest why not see if you can count how many times we cough away from the microphone?

Our SSG (no additional S required) was James Parker from Ground Shatter. He risked our germ-filled studio to talk about his latest game Rico. It’s a co-op FPS where you kick doors and shoot men. Kind of Rainbow Six but with the boring bits removed (which depends on if you consider the non-shooty bits boring). Ste of last year would have hated this game but it’s now right up his violent street. James has even made the game incredibly timely by adding in a certain animal (that will probably be out of date in two weeks’ time). As Ann is in HR she asked a very pertinent ethical question about the baddies, but James had an apposite response.

Sorry about the different vocabulary in this episode intro. The cold must be affecting the caretaker in ways we didn’t know possible.

We also found out what Simon has found under his stairs, why Ste got sent dirty pants through the post and chatted about spiders and toilet roll a bit too much for a radio show about videogames. Sega Badawi informed us of Local News and we’ve come back from Finland via a castle in a river on an island. This is literally where videogame karaoke can take you.

Team OLL x


Track list:
1. Jerkemy – Zero Days Without A Gravity Wave Incident
2. MicroD – Rhotic Stagger

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