One Life Left has always been a firm believer in helping the little guy out. It's why we've always applauded (quietly) when the GMA judges decided to give their podcast/radio show award those teams that aren't on FM. So we felt that having Holly and Kate from Toku Podcast on as our Super-Special Guests would be a good idea. We were wrong. They obviously hadn't learnt that if you wanted to become a success like Mike Bithell or the New Yorker's Simon 'Parkinson' Parkin then you needed to show us respect. Therefore this episode is a textbook example of how to ruin your career. (Although we're not sure if it's ours or theirs that is ruined)

And the show started off started off so well. Simon took the risk of doing the show without headphones, Ste found a CD of filler music and Ann was recovering from having two roasts in one day. Then it went wrong. Ann started to tell a very sexy news story that rapidly turned out to be not particularly sexy - especially once Ste added in a contribution from Gogglebox. Then we interviewed Holly and Kate and it went worse. We learnt that you can never trust Keith Stuart - tabloid journalist - and Ann got scammed by a videogame that turned her to drink.

We did have contributions from GameUnder and Sega Badawi and we had a round up of what happened at our last Marioke. Which reminds us that next month's Marioke is on 14/05, rather than the third Thursday, so you've got less time to get your lyrics sent in.

Cheerio! Team OLL x

Track list: 1. Mister Beep - Hornets Assault 2. Please Lose Battle - Eleven O'Clock

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One Life Left has always been a firm believer in helping the little guy out. It's why we've always applauded (quietly) when the GMA judges decided to give their podcast/radio show award those teams that aren't on FM. So we felt that having Holly and Kate from Toku Podcast on as our Super-Special Guests would be a good idea. We were wrong. They obviously hadn't learnt that if you wanted to become a success like Mike Bithell or the New Yorker's Simon 'Parkinson' Parkin then you needed to show us respect. Therefore this episode is a textbook example of how to ruin your career. (Although we're not sure if it's ours or theirs that is ruined)

And the show started off started off so well. Simon took the risk of doing the show without headphones, Ste found a CD of filler music and Ann was recovering from having two roasts in one day. Then it went wrong. Ann started to tell a very sexy news story that rapidly turned out to be not particularly sexy - especially once Ste added in a contribution from Gogglebox. Then we interviewed Holly and Kate and it went worse. We learnt that you can never trust Keith Stuart - tabloid journalist - and Ann got scammed by a videogame that turned her to drink.

We did have contributions from GameUnder and Sega Badawi and we had a round up of what happened at our last Marioke. Which reminds us that next month's Marioke is on 14/05, rather than the third Thursday, so you've got less time to get your lyrics sent in.

Team OLL x

Track list:
1. Mister Beep - Hornets Assault
2. Please Lose Battle - Eleven O'Clock


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