An interview with Radhika Dutt. Radhika is a product leader, consultant & author of "Radical Product Thinking" who has decided it is time to step away from building products incrementally & flying by the seat of your pants. Instead, she advocated creating a radical product vision, aligning the company around it and defining where you want to go and not how fast you get there.

We speak about a lot, including:

The story of the book, some of the early feedback she's received and how rewarding it is to see it landing with non-product people and product people alike
How she set out to create a book that mixed vision with practicality, and bringing a truly global perspective rather than just another Silicon Valley tech bro book
How seeing the same problems again & again led her to create a free framework to help solve them, and how this spurred the need for a book
The audience for her book, the vision she had in mind, and how she wants people not to just prioritise the speed of their car but also where they're driving to
Whether she has a problem with the Lean Startup (!), whether her book replaces it or is a compliment to it, and why you only really get a few pivots
The importance of going beyond the Big Hairy Audacious Goal, creating a detailed vision up front and aligning your team around it
The list of "product diseases", whether a radical product vision cures them all, and some examples of how they can afflict a business
How to make sure everyone, including leadership, is behind the vision; the tools you can use to drive this, and the concept of vision debt
The product hippocratic oath - how we as a product professionals need to ensure we do no harm and actively work to create better change in the world

And much more!

Buy Radical Product Thinking
"Iteration rules product development, but it isn't enough to produce dramatic results. This book champions Radical Product Thinking, a systematic methodology for building visionary, game-changing products."

Visit the book website or check it out on Amazon or Goodreads.

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