When was the last time you felt your life was turned upside down?

How did you find a way out? 

Last Spring when Covid-19 outbreak led to a series of campus closures, forcing tens of thousands of students to move out of their dorms in a matter of days, Kimberly Jung, a graduate student at MIT Engineering School, got the news on her mobile phone. 

Stunned, she kicked into crisis-ready mode. 

As a U.S. army veteran with three years of combat experience in Afghanistan and emergency response training dealing with natural disasters relief, Kimberly quickly followed orders to move out, and found a critical mission to help save lives.

Ventilators were badly needed in hospitals emergency rooms filled with Covid patients.  Kimberly decided to join the MIT E-Vent Team as the chief executive to help guide the engineers to design an FDA approved low-cost ventilator prototype that would soon be picked up by manufacturers not only in America, but around the world. 

In Season 5 True Colors: Episode 7 Mission After Mission, Kimberly talks about her mission-driven mindset and calling, which is instantly motivational and simultaneously inspirational. 

Listen to our conversation here.

Music used:

One in a Billion Theme Song by Brad McCarthy
The Gloaming by Josh Woodward
Return of the Indigo Sparrow by Tropo
That's Exciting by Pictures of the Floating World
Stage 1 Level 24 by Monplaisir

Kimberly Jung is currently the COO of PickleRobots in Somerville, MA. 

True Colors – a Season 5 Special Series – is about the color of one’s character in a time of crisis.

In this 10-part podcast series, we have expanded our focus beyond Asians to include the African American experiences in Episode #1, Episode #3 and Episode #5.

We want to include you in this conversation.

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“One in a Billion” connects Asians and Americans through storytelling, one person at a time.

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