She never ceases to amaze me.

Sanyee Yuan - a 20 something writer, actor, host, and Harvard graduate - is always chasing the next big opportunity by connecting with people who inspire her creative thought that would turn into a story or a script!

I first interviewed Sanyee in 2012 when she spoke movingly about being raised by a single mom with two jobs, two kids - her and her older sister. Both girls love television and movies.

Since moving to L.A., Sanyee has written numerous blogs about her adventure in Hollywood by focusing on how she overcomes fear and setbacks.

In this episode - the last of Season 4 - Sanyee let us in her latest projects and what keeps her thriving.

Check this out - “This Asian American Life: Cutting My Own Path in Hollywood.”

Music Used:
One in a Billion Theme Song by Brad McCarthy
Golden Sunrise by Josh Woodward
Landras Dream by Jason Shaw

We want to include you in this conversation.

To send us your comments or stories, just go to our Facebook page or our website at under “Pitch a Story.”

Share your thoughts? Pitch me a story?

“One in a Billion” is listening to #China, one person at a time. Subscribe to “One in a Billion” below: PRx | iTunes | SoundCloud

She never ceases to amaze me.

Sanyee Yuan - a 20 something writer, actor, host, and Harvard graduate - is always chasing the next big opportunity by connecting with people who inspire her creative thought that would turn into a story or a script!

I first interviewed Sanyee in 2012 when she spoke movingly about being raised by a single mom with two jobs, two kids - her and her older sister. Both girls love television and movies.

Since moving to L.A., Sanyee has written numerous blogs about her adventure in Hollywood by focusing on how she overcomes fear and setbacks.

In this episode - the last of Season 4 - Sanyee let us in her latest projects and what keeps her thriving.

Check this out - “This Asian American Life: Cutting My Own Path in Hollywood.”

Music Used: One in a Billion Theme Song by Brad McCarthy Golden Sunrise by Josh Woodward Landras Dream by Jason Shaw

We want to include you in this conversation.

To send us your comments or stories, just go to our Facebook page or our website at under “Pitch a Story.”

Share your thoughts? Pitch me a story?

“One in a Billion” is listening to #China, one person at a time. Subscribe to “One in a Billion” below: PRx | iTunes | SoundCloud