How often do you hear these questions - “How high have you scored? How many hours do you work? How much have you done?”

Quantity is, of course important. It is a metric of output or outcome. We live in a results-driven economy that relies on quantifiable data to measure growth and success. But that alone can’t be enough to define the meaning and purpose of your work, can it?

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog about “Productivity & Purpose” after hearing a warmly personal and illuminating interview with Maria Popova, founder of “Brain Pickings” on “On Being with Krista Tippett.

In this season for reflection, our listeners have asked me to share my blog again through narration. I hope you’ll find it helpful to your thinking about this year before embracing the new one!

 Listen to our latest podcast episode “Reflecting on 2016.” 


We want to include you in this conversation

To send us your comments or stories, just go to our Facebook page, or our website at under “Pitch a Story.”


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“One in a Billion” is listening to #China, one person at a time.


Music Used:

David O'Brien's Busy Bees, 1648/5 (Album) Audio Network

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