CW: Language (episode pretty much begins with the word butthole), combat, drugs/alcohol.

Its unlucky number 13. Heathen is a planet dedicated to one thing, and one thing only. Metal. Now we're not talking gold, aluminum, steel, type metal, we're talking head banging, guitar thrashing, stage jumping metal. Every day 4 million necks are broken headbanging, and the mosh pits could level cities of lesser planets. Join Derf Star, and Lopter Bloom as they make their way to main stage to rock the world, but the citizens of Heathen wont make it easy. Can our duo prove they're metal?

You can fin Veil of the Void here:




Special thanks to Serpent Sun for letting us use your music, you guys rock! Give them a listen on their bandcamp:

Tracks used: Mountain Legend and Endless Void from EP, and Systems of Power, Age of Genius, and Pinnacle of Despair from The Age of Genius.

Intro and Outro Jingle made by Dana Bulger

Cover art by @incredibledood on Twitter

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