I am joined by a great friend of the show Alex Minnis from Minnis2Society as we talk 90s music, namely Pearl Jam.  We cover off on alot, namely:

Grunge History Lesson

Temple of the Dong (yes, I spelled that wrong on purpose)

How the Chili Peppers helped Pearl Jam form

How a former gas station employee factors in to all of this

Former NBA player Mookie Blaylock

Ticket Master

We cover off on our top 15 Pearl Jam songs from the 90s

Alex can be found here:

Twitter:  @minnis2society1


Alex's Top 15 Playlist on Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Z1RvY5pHmBNFjZjluc73H

Drew's Top 15 Playlist on Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0TciJ4DxJb9YfEN2uKXSwo