I guess every year is a transition year in one form or another. The idea of transition has been in my thoughts for the past couple of weeks. Ringing in the new year can do that to us at times. We think about the past year while considering what the new year will bring. Many people make their lists of resolutions as a tradition. In a real way we can all look at that as a transition. I have never been a fan of making resolutions. And when asked I usually say, "I do not make resolutions." For me it has to do more with ideals and themes in life. Something like being more consistent at what ever I do or always improving in certain areas. Regardless of how I or anyone else does it, there is always something special about the new year... Something fresh and exciting. I am very excited for the new year as I have a number of transitions occurring and a few things I would like to improve and be more consistent at undertaking. This podcast is is just about making the jump for 2018 to 2019.

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Show Notes:

The kindness of children.


A Christmas Story – A 1983 classic Christmas movie.

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