As an authorized Dharma Teacher and long-time leader of the Boise Dharma Center, I have been called upon for some of life's bigger moments. I have bestowed wedding vows and married couples. I have been asked to speak and eulogize at people wakes and funerals. My name is on a list at my local hospital if someone wants to speak with a Buddhist. Of all the calls I have received, this story shares one of the most unique and weird experiences I had ever been called upon to fulfill. It request of a man who just died and his Mormon family realized he was actually Buddhist and wanted a Buddhist Cremation.

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Show Notes:

A Mormon family calls me to preside and deliver a Buddhist Death ceremony?
After the death of this family member, and in his will, the family learned he was Buddhist and wanted a Buddhist Cremation.
The brother gave me a fire extinguisher, an "expired" Amazon gift card, and and all of his brother's Buddhist objects.
The brother said I was a "weird guy."


Buddhist Funeral Rituals – An excellent article on the death rituals of Buddhism from Tricycle Magazine.

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