Previous Episode: 2022's Best Reads

We're so excited to kick off this year with a different kind of theme - this episode we're recommending you books based on your specific zodiac sign! For thousands of years, people have looked to the night sky for life's biggest (…and most inconsequential) questions and now we're using it to chart what book you should pick up next. Whether you're a newbie or make every important decision according to the position of the stars and planets, we've got a recommendation for you from your trusty Sagittarius Sun, Virgo Moon (Emma) and Virgo Sun, Libra Moon (Jacinta) book-obsessed friends. We've got links below too if you don't know your astrological chart off by heart and remember you can refer to your either Sun, Moon or Ascendant sign for the best books for you! 


Aries: The Power by Naomi Alderman

Taurus: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Gemini: Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams

Cancer: A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

Leo: The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

Virgo: Atomic Habits by James Clear

Libra: No Friend but the Mountain by Behrouz Boochani

Scorpio: The Guest List by Lucy Foley

Sagittarius: The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

Capricorn: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Aquarius: Dune by Frank Hebert

Pisces: 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez


Find your Astrological Chart: we love Co-Star, The Pattern and this free online Birth Chart Report

Regret Me from Honeycomb by Daisy Jones & the Six

Tarot Deck by Adam JK

Happy Reading!